Brian Carey
Commissioner Chairman
Raymond Fuentes
William Warfield
Scott Morrice
Christine Castellano
James Hart
Commissioner Chairman
Legal Notice:
The Board of the South Blooming Grove Fire District, in the Town of Blooming Grove, County of Orange, State of New York, will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, April 5th. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM at the South Blooming Grove Firehouse, 819 State Route 208, Monroe NY 10950.
This notice is being posted in accordance with the provisions of Section 94 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York.
By order of the
Board of Fire Commissioners
South Blooming Grove Fire District
James H. Hart
District Secretary
Legal Notice:
The Board of the South Blooming Grove Fire District, in the Town of Blooming Grove, County of Orange, State of New York, will hold their monthly meetings during 2022 on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The meeting will begin at 8:00 PM at the South Blooming Grove Firehouse, 819 State Route 208, Monroe NY 10950.
This notice is being posted in accordance with the provisions of Section 94 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York.
By order of the
Board of Fire Commissioners
South Blooming Grove Fire District
James H. Hart
District Secretary